What I do!

Mario Martin’s love for storytelling originated as a young boy when he felt inspired to tell stories through writing. At eighteen he shot his first film, “Checkmate.” That was the birthing of his passion for film-making and screenwriting.

Early on he honed his craft at the Maine Media Workshops and Boston Film & Video Foundation. Mario has attended many screenwriting boot-camps, worked with multiple coverage companies and many screenwriters.

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November 2, 2019

“Rebirth,” is the 7th of seven basic screenwriters plots. Obviously these seven basic plots do not flow in any sequential order like, COMEDY before TRAGEDY. I say that because most think that we save the best for last, (Re-birth). In storytelling, what ever story you are telling right now, the one you’re writing, the one that owns you! That one is your best one! Our life narratives determine the plot we are living out. Such is, film-making/screenwriting/we choose our plot. Rebirth can be likened to looking threw a kaleidoscope, “the colors change when a viewer’s life reflects through its prisms. As Screenwriters we write life through our characters. We tell their story, we cast their personalities into space with life expressions on the big-screen, resonating with the screen of your mind and heart, hence….Re-birth. The beauty of blossoming life experiences. It’s important to note that re-birth is not always pretty as many have experienced. There are times, death must take place before Re-birth is set-aflame which is what makes storytelling so much damn fun. All its promise, glimmering at the heart, radiance abounding, always present, always now, never ending, always casting, reflecting the beam of love. This is the reflection and attraction to, “Rebirth,”


The Good Life (2018)

While stuck in the fatiguing and dull routines of high school, a student comes to discover genuine joy and fulfillment through pursuing her passion for photography.


Explore how beliefs help us face the fear of death and the mystery of what happens after we die. In this episode, we witness how death can also be a powerful call to action, compelling us to embrace life and those we love. In the shadows of Mount Everest, Lekshey Choedhar, a young Buddhist monk at the Pema Ts’al Sakya Monastic Institute , learns a valuable lesson about the fleeting nature of life. There, Buddhist monks make devotional works of art called sand mandalas, which they then destroy in a ritual that symbolizes the impermanence of existence. Next, atheist Alex Honnold walks the edge between life and death as a world-renowned free solo climber. He faces his mortality and finds meaning in his life as he climbs-with no ropes or harnesses-up a towering cliff in the desert outside Moab, Utah. Then Donna Winzenreid, a military wife and mother of three in Colorado Springs, Colorado, who has been diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer, fights for her life by holding on to her …

Re-birth is central to our being.

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What I do!

Mario Martin’s love for storytelling originated as a young boy when he felt inspired to tell stories through writing. At eighteen he shot his first film, “Checkmate.” That was the birthing of his passion for film-making and screenwriting.

Early on he honed his craft at the Maine Media Workshops and Boston Film & Video Foundation. Mario has attended many screenwriting boot-camps, worked with multiple coverage companies and many screenwriters.