What I do!

Mario Martin’s love for storytelling originated as a young boy when he felt inspired to tell stories through writing. At eighteen he shot his first film, “Checkmate.” That was the birthing of his passion for film-making and screenwriting.

Early on he honed his craft at the Maine Media Workshops and Boston Film & Video Foundation. Mario has attended many screenwriting boot-camps, worked with multiple coverage companies and many screenwriters.

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Relevance is key.

December 7, 2019

The last blog covered, Relevance and Provocation. I found it important to give, “relevance,” it’s own space in terms of discussion just for a better focus on what may seem simple but, in the nuance and fundamentals not really. It’s one of the many screenwriters algorithms to help develop the story, max its best outcome.

Relevance is key in every part of the narrative, everything the audience see’s and hears.

For instance. If one or two of my characters talk with a slang that is from another time. Lets say my story is present day, 2019. The automobiles, fashion, hair styles, cellphones, internet all present day. But a couple of characters in my story talk like their from the 70’s. They do the, “rank down sessions thing.” which is completely out of tune with present day mentality and talk.

What’s the problem? It’s a disconnect, a speed bump. Audience says, “like what does this have to do with the story?”

This is a classic example of what could make that story, “Irrelevant.” Unless the author and director deliver on that, “disconnect or irrelevance of 70’s rank down curve-ball,” it actually hurts this story, could even tank it.

Subtlety screams.

Audience engagement for a two hour feature requires keen ability and sensibilities.

“Tone,” is the residue that relevance leaves us with.

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What I do!

Mario Martin’s love for storytelling originated as a young boy when he felt inspired to tell stories through writing. At eighteen he shot his first film, “Checkmate.” That was the birthing of his passion for film-making and screenwriting.

Early on he honed his craft at the Maine Media Workshops and Boston Film & Video Foundation. Mario has attended many screenwriting boot-camps, worked with multiple coverage companies and many screenwriters.