What I do!

Mario Martin’s love for storytelling originated as a young boy when he felt inspired to tell stories through writing. At eighteen he shot his first film, “Checkmate.” That was the birthing of his passion for film-making and screenwriting.

Early on he honed his craft at the Maine Media Workshops and Boston Film & Video Foundation. Mario has attended many screenwriting boot-camps, worked with multiple coverage companies and many screenwriters.

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What is a screenplay ?

June 13, 2019

Earlier we asked, “what is a screenplay”? Screenplays are primarily refereed to as a “script.” A script/screenplay is at its core like a “blueprint of the story to come.” Just like the blueprint to a beautiful commercial skyscraper or a pool-shed, a blueprint is needed with very specific instructions before the foundation is poured. The steel erected, a hammer driven, and vwa-la, with a collaborative effort a beautiful building stands before you. The blueprint for those structures is the narrative. It told the builders everything they needed to know, all the details to complete the magnificent structure, no matter how big or small. Metaphorically speaking that’s exactly the same application for making a great movie or television series. FIRST, you need the screenplay. Then your producers hire the director who brings in his crew. That is the whole other piece to bringing the story to life. It’s a massive undertaking and really a different part of this story so not to confuse we’ll address only the screenplay for now. Personally when I’m embarking on a new screenplay, in my mind I create a general feel and look, I write notes, lots of notes. As an architect doodles images of a building. Basically what I’m doing is establishing the plot, the genre, the protagonist and a very loose version of the three acts. It’s a lot of work and a lot of fun, but so worth it as the birthing of a new narrative. A contribution to life is born.

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What I do!

Mario Martin’s love for storytelling originated as a young boy when he felt inspired to tell stories through writing. At eighteen he shot his first film, “Checkmate.” That was the birthing of his passion for film-making and screenwriting.

Early on he honed his craft at the Maine Media Workshops and Boston Film & Video Foundation. Mario has attended many screenwriting boot-camps, worked with multiple coverage companies and many screenwriters.